A university project for which I was tasked with producing a booklet to promote Wellington, New Zealand. Running shoes serve as the basis for illustrative representations of running locations around Wellington (WGTN).

The guide to running in Wellington: cover

The Guide to Running in WGTN

The booklet is designed to highlight three great running locations around Wellington, New Zealand, with a bright and colourful approach and large interesting illustrations. The tracks progress by difficulty level, making it perfect for someone to challenge themselves progressively at each stage!

Picturesque road run: Round the bays

Round the Bays

The first track is Wellington's "Round the Bays", a level road track which has a decent distance, but fairly flat incline and nice views of the City.

Secluded bush track: Wilton bush

Otari-Wilton Bush

The Otari-Wilton bush track is the second course in the booklet, with slightly more difficult and hilly terrain than "Round the Bays".

Overlooking ridge path: Skyline track

Skyline Track

The final and hardest "Skyline Track" is a challenging ridge-top run, with expansive overlooking views of Wellington City. Great on a sunny day!


The final spread in the booklet contains a convenient graphical map of Wellington for finding the tracks!

Runners map, showing an overview of where to find each track